Senior Python Developer, Platform Engineer (DevOps)
Husband, Father, Gamer, Shooter

Senior Python Developer, Platform Engineer (DevOps)
Husband, Father, Gamer, Shooter
In the last 3 years I've improved Expend's developer experience, platform stability, deployment CICD pipeline, systems understanding, documentation, and test confidence.
With 12 factor app principles in mind, I transformed the monolith of closely coupled microservices to distinct projects with clear domain boundaries, Infrastructure as Code for both production and a new AWS staging environment, improved test coverage and confidence.
In our small and highly collaborative development team, I combine deep understanding of how things work now, with ideals of microservice event driven architecture, to help design appropriate architecture and solutions.
I am also a big contributor to new feature development, bug fixing and production support troubleshooting.
Python developer and DevOps specialist. See above.
I led a development automation team with a mission to deliver change to SaaS customers more frequently and more automatically.
I first focussed on making CIB/QA more automatically configured, more 'cattle' than 'pets'.
I wanted development teams to take responsibility and pride in their applications’ health and stability in CIB and QA. We improved visualisation of system health:
I streamlined the software delivery pipeline by back-porting legacy customisation layers that were historically added post-release by other siloed development teams. This shortened the release turnaround time by a few days per monthly release.
I led the development of a new automated configuration and deployment tool based on
. We accumulated a userbase community of development system owners. This reduced manual toil to deploy or upgrade the Fidessa trading stack compared to previous disparate manual practices.
My greatest achievement was a company-first of deploying a new green-field Internet-facing multi-tenanted trading platform:
This resulted in the application developers being able to deliver value to market more rapidly than before. Overheads of supporting old code lines are minimal. Being multi-tenanted, the marginal cost of on-boarding additional customers is much lower than normal practice of purchasing and deploying to new hardware.
It was a hard decision to leave so soon but the role was not a good fit .
I mainly did client-facing 1st and 2nd line Production support but wanted more hands-on development and automation opportunities.
The role was a generalist mix of Implementation Consultancy, Project Management, Development, Testing, Deployment and Application Support.
I led a team of 3, responsible for several customers’ trading platforms. I managed 6-week back-to-back sprints for a high-profile customer.
Configured, customised and upgraded trading platform applications.
Using GameMaker , in mid-2016 I made a non-commercial computer game to simulate the Civilian Service Rifle shooting competitions carried out at Bisley by the National Rifle Association of the UK .
The player follows a real shooting competition format. Unlike most shooting games, the emphasis is on safety! The player is taught how to handle the rifle safely and follow the course of fire. Infractions will result in a warning and/or a game over.
"I had a go and it's impressive and fun - quite how you managed this is a mystery. I liked the prompt to take the next action and the urgency of the drills. I'm sure others would enjoy it too"
Peter Cottrell, Head of Shooting & Training at UK NRA
Baldur's Gate II is a CRPG released in 2000.
Between May 2005 - February 2007, I was a 'modder' i.e. creating extra content for the game.
My mods have a combined download count of 200,000+ from Spellhold Studios, as of January 2022:
This 13,200 word dissertation was the single largest work of my Politics BA.
This dissertation charts the changes throughout history in the balance between collectivism and individualism in United States federal government policy. It is argued that collectivism has become more prominent to the detriment of individual liberty, especially since the twentieth century. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between collectivist policies and an inflationary monetary system. The issue of military conscription is also examined. The dissertation concludes that the trend towards collectivism, though alarming and harmful, is neither sustainable nor inevitable.
It received an Upper Second. Praise from markers:
An interesting, thoroughly researched exploration of the question ... the writer manages well, in my view, to combine breadth of argument with depth. The assessment possesses other merits - it's well informed (there's excellent reference to an array of writers) fluent and very well argued
It's a vigorous polemic, well structured, clearly organised and well presented.
In my gap year between school and University, from March to August 2006, I travelled to India, Australia and the United States. Most of my time was spent in a village in the north of India, teaching English as a foreign language at a primary school.
This is an extract from my journal, published in the University of Exeter student magazine Exepose on 8th October 2007.
For three weeks over my gap year in Chistmas 2005, I went on safari in Namibia and Botswana. Here's the article I wrote about the trip. It was published in the University of Exeter student magazine Exepose in the 21 May 2007 edition.
I spend a lot of my free time looking after, and playing with, my two young boys.
In the evenings, I like to play solo or co-operative PC games: FPSs, RPGs, story-rich adventure games, open-world survival/craft.
When seeing friends IRL I love to play board or tabletop games like D&D, Mansions of Madness, Splendor, 7 Wonders, Codename.
My main hobby - which doesn't involve a screen - is clay pigeon and target shooting.